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Convert Gallon (US)/horsepower to Therm/cubic Foot

Please provide values below to convert gallon (US)/horsepower to therm/cubic foot [therm/ft^3], or vice versa.


Gallon (US)/horsepower to Therm/cubic Foot Conversion Table

Gallon (US)/horsepowerTherm/cubic Foot [therm/ft^3]
0.01 gallon (US)/horsepower18.7733052945 therm/ft^3
0.1 gallon (US)/horsepower1.8773305294 therm/ft^3
1 gallon (US)/horsepower0.1877330529 therm/ft^3
2 gallon (US)/horsepower0.0938665265 therm/ft^3
3 gallon (US)/horsepower0.0625776843 therm/ft^3
5 gallon (US)/horsepower0.0375466106 therm/ft^3
10 gallon (US)/horsepower0.0187733053 therm/ft^3
20 gallon (US)/horsepower0.0093866526 therm/ft^3
50 gallon (US)/horsepower0.0037546611 therm/ft^3
100 gallon (US)/horsepower0.0018773305 therm/ft^3
1000 gallon (US)/horsepower0.0001877331 therm/ft^3

How to Convert Gallon (US)/horsepower to Therm/cubic Foot

therm/ft^3 =
gallon (US)/horsepower
gallon (US)/horsepower =

Example: convert 15 gallon (US)/horsepower to therm/ft^3:
15 gallon (US)/horsepower = 0.18773305294483 / 15 = 0.0125155369 therm/ft^3

Convert Gallon (US)/horsepower to Other Fuel Efficiency - Volume Units