Home / Fuel Efficiency - Volume Conversion / Convert Kilocalorie (IT)/cubic Meter to Liter/joule

Convert Kilocalorie (IT)/cubic Meter to Liter/joule

Please provide values below to convert kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter to liter/joule [L/J], or vice versa.


Kilocalorie (IT)/cubic Meter to Liter/joule Conversion Table

Kilocalorie (IT)/cubic MeterLiter/joule [L/J]
0.01 kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter23.88458966 L/J
0.1 kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter2.388458966 L/J
1 kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter0.2388458966 L/J
2 kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter0.1194229483 L/J
3 kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter0.0796152989 L/J
5 kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter0.0477691793 L/J
10 kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter0.0238845897 L/J
20 kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter0.0119422948 L/J
50 kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter0.0047769179 L/J
100 kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter0.002388459 L/J
1000 kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter0.0002388459 L/J

How to Convert Kilocalorie (IT)/cubic Meter to Liter/joule

L/J =
kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter
kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter =

Example: convert 15 kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter to L/J:
15 kilocalorie (IT)/cubic meter = 0.2388458966 / 15 = 0.0159230598 L/J

Convert Kilocalorie (IT)/cubic Meter to Other Fuel Efficiency - Volume Units